Bulletin Thursday 2/13/25
Reminder, there is no school tomorrow, February 14th, in observance of Lincoln’s Birthday. There is also no school on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Washington’s Birthday. Enjoy your long weekend, we will see all of you back at school on Tuesday February 18th.
Spirit Day
I’m loving all the red, white, and pink today! Thank you to everyone who participated! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Credit Recovery
Credit recovery started this week. If you have to attend Credit Recovery, make sure you start going this week. If you have any questions, see your counselor.
Cross Club
Bible study will be today during lunch. Come and connect with other BHS students seeking a relationship with Christ. Snacks will be provided, so bring your lunch. See you in D22.
Book Club
Today is Book Club at lunch in PAC5. Be there!
Thought of the Day
Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher. -Oprah Winfrey